Math logic puzzles | math puzzles

Math puzzles | logic puzzles | mathematics.
Math puzzles using different shapes like square, triangles, and circle. Math viral puzzles with answer.

Today puzzles are find value of  shapes as per given puzzles, it's intresting and logical puzzles.

1). Find out the value of Square or other shapes and also find the results of this puzzles. Zero is not a answer of this puzzles

Answer :- 5

Solution :-

All shapes answer

2). Same Question as Q.1 but different is the result is circle and finding circle value in this puzzles.

Answer :- 4

Solution :-

Solving all shapes value and  also finding results value.

3). This puzzles is different and it's for you. You can solve this puzzles and give his answer in below comment box.

Comment your answer in comment box.

This all 3 puzzles is very interesting and push to make more thinking your mind and there for its increase your thinking ability and make you more smart.

Keep solving more puzzles and logical puzzles to make more smart and increse thinking ability and mind power.

I hope you enjoy this logical puzzles and give his right answer.

Math logic puzzles | math puzzles Math logic puzzles | math puzzles Reviewed by Famous Mind on June 27, 2019 Rating: 5

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